why I stopped wanting to know everything.
as you may know, one of the initial problems that I faced during exploring cultures and knowledge in general was the urge to cram and squeeze everything into every KB I have left in my head.
it was devastating, since doing that not only saps your motivation and effort to actually learn, but because it was impossible to know, or have everything. this makes everytime I attempt to receive knowlede difficult, I felt as if I had to fight between the two forces, one to have everything, and one knowing that it was bullshit, but I can't help feeling so.
then when I was doing some randy things, that eureka moment hit. I don't need to know everything. I don't need to solve world hunger or anything as such.
because knowing makes you smart, but it's understanding that makes you wise.
so why bother trying to have everything.
doing big things make you great, but it doesn't have to correlate to such ratio, doing small things make you great too.
why solve world hunger and global warming when you can't be good to homeless people you passed by or turn off your air conditioner so it doesn't send out anymore exhaust fumes like CFCs and things that bite off the ozone layer?
virtue lays in both the big and small things.
famous people we know don't get to do the big things immediately. it comes from understanding, that gradually build up a foundation, and allow them to broaden their horizon of knowledge.
food for thought.
cannot have the answer when you haven't got the question.
I mean you can, but the answer will seem useless for you, until you really needs it.