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Writer's pictureeugene eugene


sometimes I feel like what life's all about, and sometimes I don't.

so this would be here, as a syllabus for me to pick up what I'd temporarily forgot every now and then, without losing my mind, obviously.

what life is all about, I think, is learning.

darwin had it with his evolution theory, which the two principles are mutation and natural selection.

today I'll be talking about natural selection.

I'm lucky enough to make it to the top of the food chain and the whole animal kingdom as we may say, cause I'm a human.

but I believe that evolution doesn't stop there, and natural selection still carry on, in a different way nowadays.

there is no species, but humans.

natural selection is survival of the fittest. we'd been told about being fit physically, but we hadn't really spoke about being fit mentally, as mental health and fitness is still a myth to many of us.

so what kind of people is best adapted for this time of human civilization?

the learner.

the learner.

by saying the learner, I'd love to classify what we learn in life into two categories - what we learn in school and what we learn in life.

while being good in school play an indirect effect in our lives as we grow older, it still plays a part, which means you can't neglect it.

I used to make excuses for not making time to study at school while procrastinating on it and learn about life instead.

but both are important, to me, cause my life, unlike others, is dependent on being good in school.

so this is what I would had done different, were I to travel back in time.

I call this regrets, you know. but have time to tear up a bit, then move on, and really learn from it.

I'm lucky enough to have this the year before IB. which means the real danger hasn't come.


ok so I hate school, but I love learning. what can be done?

1/ learn the material BEFOREHAND.

2/ class time should be for your own revision, which means you already had an idea of what it's about and being ahead of schedule.

3/ make a quizlet of everything, flashcards work.

4/ draw diagrams by hand so you can really remember.

5/ spaced repetition, ever heard of that?

6/ working ahead of schedule < working at a moderate pace while totally ingesting what you learnt.

what I can do for now is sadly cramming, and discipline studying.


seeing thing for how it is.

this is to me of the past who spent literally ages looking for the perfect country, only to realize there is no such thing. no, you can't have a country with a high quality of life while not expecting paying back-breaking taxes, or having people that are a bit private/ workaholic/ cold.

I'd really learnt to look at something, someone, regardless of its origins, or stereotypes, and accpet that it's itself, nothing less or more.

cause when you had that biases for something, whether positive or negative, can distort its potential.

there are two kinds of people.

there are two kinds of people, people who are smart, and people who are wise.

smart people know what the society needs and how to make that happen, but they're blind to their own needs, and here they are, hustling for a lost cause, not knowing what meaning their life hold.

wise people, knew who they are, and what the society needs.

therefore, they open themselves to change, while do not letting go of their values.

accepting things.

sometimes things just happen without a reason.

and all we got to do is accepting it, though hard.

we are the audience.

there is an orchestra in our minds, and we are the audience.

the ochestra plays whatever it wants, as life brings whatever it have to offer.

but sometimes, we forgot that we are the audience, and let the orchestra drive us to anger or whatever unpleasant things.

in order to shit fire, one must bite glass.

no willpower, no motivation, you gotta start it. today will always be the day you're younger than tomorrow.


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