today and yesterday, I made some minor mistakes that's overthought and blown up by my imagination. even though, I think that I learnt something really important about a factor that promote learning - attitude.
excuse my clumsiness, that's a tag that's been on me for quite long, and I'm trying to get that down.
isn't that weird that we don't acknowledge people for 999 good things that they'd done, but for a moment of absent - mindedness?
when has we become judges in others' lives?
well, I used to be one of them, but sometimes, we too, shall live and let live.
excuse my clumsiness, sorry for my mistakes, as I said to people, I wonder why do we have to feel too sorry for our learning, as mistakes are essential factors for bettering ourselves, soil that germinate the seeds.
a thing that's really important to us every time we make a mistake is our attitude, we either ignore it, make excuses for it, or admit it and learn from it.
if making mistakes is terrible then what's worse is being conservative and decided to learn nothing from thing that's passed.
doing the hard thing
when we accepted our mistakes, we tend to criticize ourselves for being too clumsy, or a horrible person (I too have advanced in this through the years).
a lot of people make mistakes, but a few admit and learn from them.
among those who admit and learn from them, very little have positive attitude towards themselves and actually allowing themselves from regrets that it's okay to make mistakes.
(oh boy feedbacks rarely taste good, they usually comes in shit packaging
but you decide whether shit tastes like shit, even more than that, or chocolate-flavored
people give the packaging, you decide whether to receive it or not, and how to react to it)
turns out that that has something to do with self-love.
I no longer call it self-love, but rather self-acceptance and self-forgiveness.
when I hit rock bottom of my mood, I tend to visualise myself as a horrible person, someone who isn't worthy of loving.
it's the good time that I embrace my self, but the worst time that I want to dump myself.
it all starts within yourself
little did I know that the greatest and foremost victory comes from words that you say to yourself, rather than what people say about you.

though it's hard, but I'm learning to accept myself and my flaws.
I have to compromise with the fact that, some day it's an achievement to simply being alive and healthy, and not every day that I can be damn productive like self development youtubers with their intense, flawless routine.
as long as I make the most out of myself throughout the day, everything is okay.
few more words about mistakes, we shall stop call them mistakes, cause that sounds damn negative. let's try bob ross's happy little accidents
there's no such things as mistakes, but happy little accidents
a five-star Michellin recipe for your happy little accidents
- admit them
- learn from them
- try not to repeat them
a recap for today
today, this idiotic hooman being still make mistakes, but has learnt to get used to it, so no need to sweat for willpower thingy anymore (thanks, Mark)
I'm still learning, chill
giving myself a kiss on the forehead for doing better than yesterday (Dua Lipa can do that so why can't I)