“And when Siddhartha listened attentively to this river, to this thousand-voiced song, when he listened neither for the sorrow nor for the laughter, when he did not attach his soul to any one voice and enter into it with his ego but rather heard all of them, heard the whole, the oneness—then the great song of the thousand voices consisted only of a single word: Om, perfection.”
I copied these lines from Siddhartha into my journal smilingly, at 23:36PM 2 days ago, or 15/10.
Then, for a very brief moment, I thought of thanking the universe everyday for what I had received and hope that things would stay the same. Why? Cause I'm in the stage of perfection, the last piece of my jigsaw is in its place, I am now satisfied and totally balanced.
However, is that even the meaning of praying? Life itself is impermanent, everything is temporary, and timelessness doesn't exist, it's rather a concept in our thoughts and imagination.
I myself ain't any religious person, yet I pray. I believe that every religion in this world is an arrow pointing towards the moon, or the thing we should do, which is helping people and ourselves.
Praying is basically talking to God. God is a wholesome person, we can sing, reading our prayers out loud, or thought of it silently. We can pray on own or pray with others. Whatever we do, wherever, whoever we are, he, or she, will listen to what our hearts desire.
We don't ask God to keep thing forever perfect and long-lasting, that's, at least to me, is not the purpose of praying. We ask for resilience within ourselves to dance with the storm, to taste everything life ever brought to us. We pray for auspices and guardianship.
“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers,
but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but
for the heart to conquer it.”
I would from now on call our mind the temple of our heart. Words spoken to us are important to us, however, what's more important is the words we whisper to ourselves, whether consciously or subconsciously. We shall not ask for to much, but work harder, and whatever we deserve, will come one day.
We don't pray for escape of sadness, or the timelessness of joy, we pray because we believe that this too, shall pass. It's attitude, resilience and patience that matter.